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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Total Solar Eclipse 2016 Streaming

Solar eclipse is coming this year!
People across south east Asia and Australia will be able to see this phenomenal event. Yet, only 7 provinces in Indonesia where Total Solar Eclipse can be seen on 9th March 2016. Yes, my beloved home country!
According to Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics  (a.k.a BMKG in Indonesia), there are Bengkulu (Mukomuko), South Sumatra (Palembang), Bangka Belitung (Tanjung Pandan), Central Borneo (Palangkaraya), East Borneo (Balikpapan), Cenral Sulawesi (Palu) and North Maluku (Ternate).

Can't be in Indonesia to be part of one of the most historical phenomenon? Don't you worry.
There's still a possibility to witness Total Solar Eclipse 2016 real-time with your own eyes!
BMKG has prepared special streaming link for you who also get enthusiast with this and here are the steps:

First, go to the official link of streaming from BMKG

Second, decide what kind of solar eclipse that you'd like to see. Choose 'Gerhana Matahari Total' for Total Solar Eclipse or 'Gerhana Matahari Sebagian' for Partial Solar Eclipse.

Third, choose from which city where you want to watch.

Fourth, hit the play button and wait until the buffering stops.
aaaand voila! The rare total solar eclipse can be watched through your screen.

Don't you forget about time difference between Indonesia and your location. Not to mention, Indonesia itself is divided into 3 time zones.

Good luck and happy watching!

Update! This is how I captured Total Solar Eclipse. The time lapse snapshots.

Observation Point: Palu, Central Sulawesi
Time Zone refers to Western Indonesian Time.

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