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Friday, July 31, 2015

A Very 1st Day! (Slovenia Stories #1)

Črenšovci - Friday, 31st June 2015

Finally arrived!
We’re arrived at Vienna (VIE) Airport safely woohooo! After a long flight and journey (12 hours layover in Amsterdam), I finally touch my foot down on Vienna’s Airport around 11 p.m. Then we waited for GoOpti - a Slovenia-based road passenger transportation, to pick us up. Around 12 p.m the car came and picked us up along with other passengers who booked it as well. Then they dropped passengers one by one or group by group correspond to their own destinations. I chose Maribor Main Bus Station as destination in accordance with our arrangement with Tomaz before and then within 3 hours, I was dropped there. Next, I just needed to wait for Tomaž to pick me up at 8 in the morning. I decided to wait inside the bus station. It was soooo cold back then because there’s one door remains open (as Indonesian I’ve never felt as cold as that L). I tried to relax and survive at the same time. About 8 a.m in the middle of sleepy feeling, someone poked my shoulder from behind and said, “Elsa? Yusran?”. I turned my shoulder around and saw that’s the one who supposed to pick us up. Oh, it’s Tomaž! Hoorayyy… \('O')/
Waiting since from so early in the morning :p
The giant clock and the door that keeps open
  Soon, Yusran and I moved our suitcases into his car trunk then we headed to the company. During the trip we got acquainted in no time and he explained that we would stay in Roman’s place because student apartment as the place we supposed to live is full. Oh, okay… Eh hold on… Wait whaaat?

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Mengurus Visa Schengen di Kedutaan Besar Austria

Hello everyone!

As you can guess, kali ini saya akan coba sharing pengalaman tentang mengurus sendiri visa Schengen di Kedutaan Besar Austria karena dari hasil browsing saya, belum banyak yang nulis pengalaman tentang mengurus visa Schengen di Kedubes Austria. Kalo kedubes Belanda sih, ga usah ditanya lagi. Kaya jualan takjil buat buka puasa, banyak banget! Sejauh ini, yang menurut saya bagus dan bisa jadi referensi yaitu blog-nya mbak Ajeng yang ga hanya tumblr-nya tapi orangnya juga helpful banget.Here's the link. (Many thanks to mbak Ajeng!) ^_^
Sebenernya tujuan saya adalah Slovenia karena saya ikut student exchange ke Slovenia tapi karena ga ada perwakilan Slovenia di Indonesia alias Slovenian Embassy jadi pengurusan visa diserahkan sama Austrian Embassy. Begitu juga di Slovenia ga ada KBRI, adanya di Wina, Austria.

So, are you ready? Lets cekidot!