Črenšovci – Tuesday, 4th August 2015
Yes, what can I
say? Today’s much much better than yesterday. Mmm... where should I start?
Initially, it wasn’t so good because Yusran and I had woken up early in the
morning. Thought we’d start working from 6 o’clock (and it was how it supposed
to be) but we had miscommunication. We just forgot to confirm and likewise he
forgot to arranged how we’d go to the company. Jadilah bangun pagi hari ini sia-sia hahaha. But that’s okay.
Doesn’t really matter. We left home around over 7.30 and almost 8 a.m even still
using Roman’s car (Iya, masih dengan beemwe-nya).
When we arrived at the company, he stood akimbo starring at the employees and
said, “Oh, everybody is working already?” (dalem
hati gue ya iyalaaah ini kan udah jam berapa dan harusnya udah mulai dari jam
berapa. Kitanya aja yang telat K
Tapi tenang aja kita kan datengnya sama
pak bos jadi ga ada yang bakal komen wakaka :D )
Nah, here was the
moment when I felt better. I was still working at the same place like
yesterday. Di awal sempet matahin daun
gitu (duh maaf ya) dan akhirnya gue ngasih tanamanya ke Simon untuk dibenerin
haha. Yet today, Simon talked to me. Hooray… Finally, there was somebody
else who wanted to talk to me (gak kaku
lagi macam kanebo kering). We had small talk. Even, he brought me some water (ahh
hvala Simon J).
At the point, he spoke to me and that was a good move.
When I got home
after work, Milena taught me how to use some of kitchen appliances such as how
to make hot water, how to use microwave, coffee maker, and (again) told me
about what is where like where is fruits, pasta, flour, sugar, canned foods,
bread, jam and even all sweet stuffs like chocolate and nutella. “Just take
whatever you need or whatever you want.”, she said and I replied, “Ok.” (ahh itu dia yang gue suka dari rumah ini :p).
Now, I remember much more than yesterday (gak
kaya sebelumnya ngablu banget. Dijelasin apa juga gak paham abis banyak banget
peralatannya). Then Milena cooked pancakes and up to that time Roman joined
us in the kitchen. The pancakes tasted so good as good as its aroma. I tried
all kinds of toppings like marmalade, peach jam, and with one that always tastes
good on: nutella! Best topped with nutella if you want for sweet one and marmalade
if you crave for fresh one cause it tastes a bit sour.
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With marmalade or nutella? The choice is yours |
Next, Roman
offered me several variants of German beer (atau
lebih tepatnya ngasih kali ya namanya). Karena
ampir sama kaya Rok, dia juga agak kekeuh buat nyuruh gue minum atau paling gak
nyoba deh. When he gave it to me, I said, “Umm… but I don’t like beer and I just drank 3 cups of coffee just a moment ago.” and
he replied, “Then that's why you should drink this so you can sleep tonight 'cause you just drank 3 cups of coffee and it's afternoon already. Try it first and if you don’t like it just throw it.”. Nah tuh! Alesan baru lagi kenapa harus minum alkohol hahah. Bilangnya aja nyoba tapi nuangnya setengah
gelas lebih. Hampir penuh malah. Dimana-mana yang namanya nyicip mah
dikit-dikit kali. Lagian, ini kan
beer bukan cola yang bisa dibuang seenak jidat. Tapi… au ah, dia ini yang punya. Sambil nuangin dia lagi-lagi ngingetin kalo kita boleh ambil apa aja di kulkas termasuk koleksi liqueur dan liquornya macam Jack Daniels, Captain Morgan, Chivas dan temen-temennya. Dibilang kaya gitu gue malah tetep berpegang teguh sama coca cola, fanta, dan sprite aja. Pinter yah? (^o^"). Finally, I gave up (as usual) and
tried it. And as I guessed, it tasted bitter like mostly beer. That’s why I don’t
like beer. Nothing other than bitterness. So that I asked for Yusran's help to
finish it haha (kan ga tega kali buangnya L).
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3 variants of German beer |
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Udah segini gak sanggup lagi. Pahit banget :| |
that, Milena prepared for dinner by cooking chicken with curry sauce. I skipped
dinner instead because my stomach was already full with pancakes. Sorry… Still,
I chatted with her while she was cooking. Then, Roman went out for cycling with
Rok and Marko (the other Marko, not the one from the company) whilst Yusran was
sitting outside at the backyard smoking. Milena showed me how to use
front-loading wash machine and iron before leaving us for meeting. Ahh, so
happy for today because I felt more adapted with everything today and get
closer with them as well. Wasn't awkward anymore. Hope everything will be
getting better for tomorrow. We shall be ready by 5.50 a.m. Lah konoč*!
P.S. gue
sempet numpahin marmalade ke atas karpet di dapur, oops! Tapi lagi-lagi
Milenanya santai dan bilang gak apa-apa. Dia bakal nyuciin aja nanti karpetnya
pake mesin cuci. Duuh, maaf ya gue emang ceroboh orangnya. Pas Roman liat
karpetnya dia bilang nanya ‘siapa nih yang numpahin marmalade?’. Terus gue
ngaku dengan polosnya dan dia ngerespon dengan ngasi tatapan menyipit seakan ‘membunuh’
hahaha. Gue makin pasang muka meringis dan dia langsung bilang ‘ngga ngga
bercanda kok, hahaha’. Jiahhh huasyem (-_-)
Any comments or questions? It will be welcomed. :)
Any comments or questions? It will be welcomed. :)
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