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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Kinda-Stupid-but-Funny Day (Slovenia Stories #6)

Črenšovci – Wednesday, 5th August 2015

         Ok, just let’s straight to the point. I can’t bear any longer this feeling that made me wanted to tell you guys. By writing the title, I feel like want to rolling on the floor laughing (even I’m doing it already now ahahah). So, today we had something happened, little sweet incident :p. As you may know from previous post, we thought that everything was set up. We’d be picked up on at 5.50 a.m by Robi then go to the company. Simple and perfect, isn’t it? Not as it seems… So, I was ready at downstairs since 5.30 a.m and Yusran followed me downstairs at 5.45 a.m because he said that we should be ready by 5.50 a.m and wait outside. Turned out, he misheard! Indeed, about this thing, Victoria became a translator for ‘skinny Robi’ using Slovene (since Robi has poor English). She told Robi that we had to be picked up by 5.45 a.m. On the other hand, she translated it as well to Yusran using English about when we’d be picked up. FYI, I wasn’t there when they talked about it, Thus, I just relied that information from what Yusran said. So...
          Here are the things: when Robi had arrived in front of Roman’s house at 5.45 a.m, he didn’t see us there. Then he called Roman & Milena’s mobile phone (because we haven’t had Slovenian number yet) but unfortunately they put their phones in Silent Mode during sleep. Felt there was no other choice, Robi left us (oops!). As a matter of fact, we even didn’t know if we’ve been left by him as we kept waiting and waiting and waiting (gitu aja terus sampai ladang gandum akhirnya dihujani cokelat lezat dan jadilah Koko Krunch!). We were trapped in the confusion of between should we wait outside or inside the house and wait until they awaken? It was awry. If we kept waiting outside we wouldn't know how to handle this however if we moved into the house it’d be awkward since they’d think, ‘Everything is okay today because everything had been set up but hey why they’re still here?’.
          After hearing some noises from inside the house as a sign they've woken up, we decided to go inside and surely they were surprised. Ga usah gue ceritain lah ya gimana ‘keadaan’ mereka pagi itu. Yang penasaran langsung tanya gue aja deh ya hahaha. Yang jelas, goosh awkward banget sumpah *blushing*. Malu abis beneran. At first they asked why we were still here? And Yusran spoke first, told them what happened that Robi didn’t show up by the time we waited for him followed by explanations about how the information of pick up time. Not only that question but also they asked us why we didn’t wake them up from earlier? (duh, yakali… sungkan lah. Rasanya gak sopan gitu). Next, it was my turn to answer them and I said if we felt uncomfortable to do so K (Indonesia banget ga sih? hahaha). After all misunderstanding and complicated explanations finally Roman called Robi and asked why he left us *jeng jeeeng* (drama dimulai). Robi said that we weren’t in front of the house at 5.45 a.m. Roman kept asking why he didn’t let them know and Robi answered that he has tried! He tried to call their mobile phone several times but the calls weren’t answered by them. Followed by question why Robi didn’t wait for us and Robi said that the time goes on, he was afraid of not being able to arrive at Ocean Orchids on time. He worried the employees didn’t work well too. “Ah you're just exaggerating and bla bla bla”, as Roman responded. Furthermore, I didn’t know what they were talking about. All I could hear was a bit arguing with him. Waaa, ga enak banget udah bikin sensasi di awal waktu magang. Iya, sensasi karena kenapa? Beacause the news about we-were-left-by-Robi had been viral throughout the company before lunch time. Everybody knows and everybody laughs. Bahkan ada yang nanya langsung ke kita, ‘eh eh kalian tadi ketinggalan berangkat kerja ya? (sambil senyum-senyum). Gue cuma bisa ngeresponin seikhlasnya . Ikhlas dalam menahan malu. Duh, kamfretos!

No pict for today. Embarassing moment doesn’t need any pictures!

          Finally, Milena would drive us there using her car (si cantik bmw putih). This became sort of joke material among us on or way to the company hahaha. Karena miskom setitik, rusak rencana sebelanga. You know what? In the middle of uncertainity, we were confused when they would awake because they must have thought we’ve been picked up by Robi. Since they’re in the board of leadership, they don’t have fixed working hour. Amsyooong. We left the house around 8 a.m and arrived at the company around 8.20 a.m. Everybody’s working already since 6 a.m meanwhile we just arrived and started working about 8.30 a.m. Nice!. In 2 hours, we’d have lunch break (gilingan lah 2 jam kerja doang langsung makan siang. Saya merasa gabut sekali (^o^”). But that’s fine. Part of unique experience :D.
          Today, I still work with Simon and Leon at Spacing Department. Just like yesterday, Simon and I had small talk during working. About what the things we were talking about, I didn’t really remember haha. Agak-agak amazed gitu sama orangnya wkwkwk (tuh kan! pokus dong Elsa, pokusss).

Simon: “How do you know our company?”
Elsa: “I knew it from IAAS, the organization where I join. That’s what brought me here.”

                At the beginning, I made a mess. Yup, I broke one leaf accidentally (again) but I tried to act innocent and asked, “Is it okay?”. He probably thought what I ask was whether it’s too small or not. So he responded with, “Ohh that’s too small.” and it was separated haha. Sorry :p. Paling gak, gue ngobrol lah dan oh! I saw him smiling today. He’s not a robot after all! Hmm, ternyata bisa senyum juga itu orang. Gitu kek dari kemaren jadi kan gak nyeremin. On the other hand, Leon’s also been very nice to me. He brought me a cup of water to drink. Hvala, Leon! J. I guessed that’s because he has never seen me drink so for that reason he did that hahaha . He worried I’d be fainted from dehydration, perhaps? That'd be troublesome though :D. For today, a girl named Janja drove us home. She doesn't speak English at all. (or should I say, she can't speak English other than swearing LOL!) 

Now, I must stop. It’s bed time already. Bye-bye and see you tomorrow. Hopefully, this thing won't happen anymore :p *fingercrossed*

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