ฤrenลกovci – Thursday, 8th August 2015
“Nice to meet you. Where you been?
I could show you incredible things.
Magic, madness, heaven, sin.
Saw you there and I thought oh my God.
Look at that faceYou look like my next mistake.” –Taylor swift [Blank Space]
Next mistake = next glasses of wine? ๐
For sure, it wasn’t my mistake but it referred to someone else ;). Kayanya lagu itu lumayan bisa menggambarkan keseruan malam ini. Kenapa malam? Karena dari pagi sampai siangnya biasa aja. I warn you, it’s gonna be a
long story. So, sit back and relax.
he brought us to a local event and I didn’t know exactly what that was called but maaan
it was fantastic for sure. It was still afternoon when we arrived there.
Eventually, I know that’s a municipality building. Bahasa Indonesianya kabupaten/kotamadya kali yaa. It was about 1 or
2 p.m when we arrived there. By the time we arrived, *jeng jeeeeng* all eyes looked at us. I mean literally all of them.
Seriously! Okay, it might take few seconds to stare at us since Yusran and I
look different than them. Right people, take your time because honestly, I’m
getting used to it. Some of Roman’s friend greeted us and had small talk. Not
to forget, he also introduced us to his friends as his ‘kolege’ from
‘Indonezije’ and about we’re working in Ocean Orchids. All I can do is smiling
and saying ‘hello’ to whomever we talked with.
As the time goes by, still, many
of them kept looking at us. I was like ‘Oh gosh, when are you going to stop
looking at us? :”D. We’re human after all, just like you with 2 legs, 2 hands,
2 eyes, and 1 nose.”. Even Yusran spoke to me, “Why are they keep looking at
us?” and I just answered, “I don’t know. ๐”. Okay, 1 or 2 minutes is okay
but more than that, heeey can you please back to whatever you’re doing? We’re
not alien anyway (T_T). Disini
bener-bener kebalikannya deh, kita yang jadi bule-nya mereka hahaha. Now, I
know what do foreigners feel when they’re in Indonesia. Indonesians call foreigner
with ‘bule’. So, this is how it feels? :’). Quite uncomfortable if you’re not
used to it. Just like in Indonesia, ‘bule’ must be noticed or even stared by
Indonesian in a smallville. Same thing here, wherever Roman brings us, at least
people will stare at us for a few moment. Hahaha. Mereka emang ga nanya langsung sih siapa kita tapi keliatan aja gitu
kalo mereka ada rasa ingin tahu dan bukan rasa ingin memiliki… #eh
we sat on one of long wooden bench with Roman’s friends. I couldn’t remember
all their names but some of them (if I’m not wrong) are Daria, Theodore, and
Franc. Oh! And also there’s Mario, the professional hunter! They’re warm,
friendly and very welcoming. Really! Not to mention, Darja bought us door prize
coupon. I got one and so did Yusran. Next, Darija, Yusran, and I got into the
municipality building and then lead to a room where we could redeem a coupon with
a prize. I got a pack of tissue and mobile phone strap meanwhile Yusran got a
car servicing voucher worth to €30 (ahahaha). Since Yusran doesn’t have any
cars, Roman told him to bring it to the office on Monday for it will be exchanged with
cash as much as shown there. Enaknyooo…In between, we snapped some pictures with them including the vineyard queens.
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I'm not that short, am I? (-_-) |
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Yusran and Darja. |
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No caption needed ๐ |
After that, there was a competition to bring good name of wine community where they belong (or sort of like that because I’m not really sure haha) and Roman took part in it (untuk membela tanah airnya). At the end, their community got third place. I really want to show you the video actually but accidentally I deleted the file. Screwed me! (-_-). Okay, let’s continue this. In addition, Roman told us that in a public event like this, the master of ceremony (MC) uses two languages, Slovene and Hungarian since this place is the border area therefore there are lots of Hungarian as well as Croatian as the minority besides Slovenian itself as the majority. During the event, there are snacks available to be bought. One package of snacks consists of pork sausages, buckwheat bread, and vrtanek comes with mustard and orange-ish sauce. They offered me to try the sausage. Well I don't eat pork in Indonesia usually to be honest (event though I'm not forbidden by my religion. Personal taste matter only) but since I have no choice then why don't give it a try? Apparently it wasn't as bad as I thought before. Instead, it's quite tasty. The meat was juicy and savory.
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Snacks: pork sausages, buckwheat bread and vrtanek? (CMIIW) with mustard and chili sauce look-alike |
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Don't be fooled by its color. It's not spicy at all ๐ |
Next, there was performance
of local band consisting of 3 Slovene guys (atau
harus gue katakan abang-abang ganteng lokal muehehehe :p) and they were
singing some songs in Slovene obviously. Selama
acara berlangsung Roman ngajarin Yusran yang enggak-enggak. Tips- tips ngawur
gitu lah. Amsyong banget emang tu orang wkwkwk. He’s the craziest yet the
kindest people I’ve ever known in Slovenia (and I'll live with him for the next 2 months!). They did kind of ‘chicks-hunt’ IYKWIM.
Namanya juga lelaki! Huuuh. Ada kali 3
atau 4 orang yang jadi target mereka. Hahaha kaco lah sumpah. Without
forgetting me, he also asked
R: “What about you Elsa? Have you found any handsome guy?”
E: Eh? Oh, is it my turn now? ๐. Hmm... No need to ask actually, because yes certainly,
there are some. Dari
tadi juga mata gue udah jelalatan kali. I've been scanning my surroundings lol :p. Yang kece mah
banyak termasuk yang tadi lo ajak ngomong pas kita baru nyampe ๐. Trus ada abang-abang yang di meja seberang juga. But since he can't be trusted that’s why I said, “Yes, of course! So far, I’ve found some but I won’t let
you know. I… will… NOT… let you know!"
R: (expressing sourly hostile) ๐
E: (Yes, I win!)
who heard me saying that, immediately gave me high-five. Yeah \(^o^)/ Sorry I’m not dumb enough to let him know in which guys I’m attracted to (haha). As
we may know, he’s type of person who tells everything to everybody. Sekalinya tau pasti bakal ngegodain gue abis-abisan sepanjang hari. Bisa diciyee-ciyeein nanti. Really untrustworthy. E: (Yes, I win!)
from band’s performance, the stage was also filled with solo accordion
performance which was unique. If we take a look at their music comes with
typical accordion instrument that makes it distinctively special and tends to
resemble alpine music. Likewise, the accordion itself has been playing
important role in their music. Next, back to the band’s
performance. During that time, there were several men took Milena to dance one by one, along with those people who had already started to dance. As a single lady
(tsaelaaah), certainly there were some men who’d like to ask me to dance as
well. Tapi sayangnya udah pada senior
cyin jadi kurang bisa menambah selera juga sih wakakak. Selera makan maksudnya *ahem*. The first
one was sort of an old-school man. He asked for permission to Milena beforehand
as I don’t speak Slovene, perhaps. And then Milena told me to dance with him
whilst saying, “Come on, it’s okay. He’s good.”. Alright based on my feeling,
he didn’t look dangerous and therefore I decided, “Ok, I’ll do it”. After that there came another old man who
insisted to ask me to dance with him until he bought me a drink after dancing (Macam di pilem-pilem aja ya, suka beliin
minum gitu). On the contrary, I found that he’s such a weirdo and it wasn’t
my feeling only as Roman saved me by telling me to sit next to him when he read
the situation that I began to feel uncomfortable. In addition, the Theodore and
Franc tried to distract him away from me. Ahh… Thanks guys.
band’s performance, I had asked him about who are they actually.
E: “By the way, who are they? Local band or they just
perform only for this occasion?”
R: “Yes. They’re local band. And if you see that
accordion player?”
E: “Yes?”
R: “He’s the mayor’s son.”
E: “Ohh… Really? “
R: “Yesss. That’s the one in the middle.”
E: “Oh yeah, yeah. I can see him.” (hmm.. leh uga. Kalo diliat-liat dari jauh sini sih mayan
kece. Dia yang paling tinggi juga kalo dibanding 2 temen band
lainnya. Anyway makasih infonya, Roman ๐)
the time goes by, more and more wine was taken and and so the night
has become merrier. Then came the third man who invited me to dance. A bit trauma
from what happened before this, I tried to ignore his request by asking for
Milena’s help. Roman wasn’t there. But again, she said that he’s kind so I
didn’t need to worry. Fine, as my respect to local residents, I decided to
approve his request. We danced together and merged into one big circle then
dancing around with them. Eventually, I found that was quite fun. I think I like it. Shortly
thereafter, the song ended and replaced by a slower rhythm one. In this song,
the dance turned into pairs. Clearly, I paired with the same man who wore gray shirt. He
kept asking me such questions like ‘Are you okay? Is this too much for you?
How’s your feeling?’ in an attempt to make sure if I was okay, comfortable or
not. So to make him sure I said, “Yes, I’m all okay and I’d let you know if I
wasn’t.”. It made me wonder who’s this man?
Why he is so good to me? Why he even cares about what I feel? Not to
mention, he’s polite too. After the song ended, he drove me back to our table.
That was the moment when Roman revealed who is he.
R: “Elsa, please introduce, this is Marjan,
Mayor of Dobrovnik.”
Aha! Apparently, he’s the Mayor. That’s why
he’s so polite and well-mannered. I hope I didn't step on your feet back then, Mr. Mayor ๐จ. So, I was like…
E: “Oh, why you didn’t tell me ealier?" (as I talked to Roman)
(Ya walopuuun, Roman ga ada disitu
pas tadi hahaha. Tapi coba kalo tau dari awal, kan bisa carmuk gimana gitu sama pak
walikota. Untung aja gue tadi ga bertingkah aneh-aneh dan berusaha tetep sopan.
Tapi tunggu?! Kalo dia walikota berarti dia bapaknya Marko?
Waaa~ gue baru aja dansa sama calon papa mertua dong, LOL ๐ That escalated
quickly! Hahaha. Ngarep lo!)
we got acquainted, Roman did this. Well, I bet you’ve already known what kind
of person Roman is. Initially, he asked Marjan:
R: “Marjan, where’s your son?”
M: “He’s there at the backstage.”
R: “Could you please call him here? She would
like to meet your son, Marko.”
M: “Oh yes, sure. I’ll call him.”
E: (Hah? Hey hey heeeey I didn’t say that ๐) I wanted to stop Marjan but it was too late. He had
already walked to the backstage. I looked at Roman cynically but seemed like he purposely didn’t look
me back) Geez.. That’s
why I don’t wanna talk about 'boys' with you, dear Papa.
with the Mayor of Dobrovnik, Marjan
long after that, the guy who called Marko walked towards me along with his
father. Next, Marjan introduced us and we had small talk such as ‘Where are you
from?’, ‘How long you’ve been here?’ and stuffs. Out of the blue, he asked, “Can
you speak German?” which I replied with that ‘useful phrase’, “Nein. Ich
spreche nicht Deutsch.”. But just like Janja, I thought I just made it worse by
giving wrong impression for he was smiling. Ooops! Followed by “I can speak a
little bit Deutsch.”, he said.
El: “So, where’s the others? I mean the rest of
the band members.”
Ma: “They’re over there. (pointing towards drums)”
El: “Oh I see… Caan we take pictures with your
band?” (As I’ve fallen into a pool, then why don’t I swim onward? ๐ Lanjut gan!)
Ma: “Sure.”
Bonus: On our way back home, we were stopped by the police. As we pulled over, the police performed alcohol level test to the driver. Surprisingly, Milena who drove the car, somehow could pass the test and showed 0% of alcohol level even though she drank some glasses of wine. After questioning some things to make it sure, they allowed us to continue our journey. Well-done, Milena! ;)
Thereupon, he called his friends and then we took some pictures. Even more, I got acquainted with the others as well. So I know that the one with glasses is Robert and the other one with no glasses is Mario (hmm the third Mario that I know so far. Even without getting out of Dobrovnik municipality). Few minutes later, Marko excused himself for he had something to do with his friends. What happened next? The other Mario, I mean the hunter he did kind of show by firing a gun and releasing some bullets into the air. Didn’t want to forget that moment, I took some pictures of it. Marjan asked if I got good pictures but too bad, those are blurry. Unexpectedly, he brought me to the backstage where there’s a courtyard over there and surprisingly Mario (the hunter) was there as well as Marko, Robert, and Mario.
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Robert, Mario, Myself and Marko |
As a matter of fact, Marjan asked Mario (the hunter) to show his hunting rifle to me and take some pictures with it. Woohoo beyond my expectation! \(^o^)/ Without further delay Mario and I did a ‘Hunter Photo Sessions’. Yeaaay, well-done! You must be curious how does the picture look like, right? Rotten luck! Those are included in the photos accidentally deleted by me. Cry me a river, o universe (T_T). Oh ya, abis itu si Mario sempet bilang kapan-kapan mau ngajak Yusran berburu. Bukan berburu binatang tapinya, melainkan berburu ciwi-ciwi. Huuu dasar… Baru aja gue bilang mau ikut.
What else? Hmm… Oh right, the guys presented special songs for us due to a request from the mayor. Absolutely, I had no idea about what they were talking about on stage hahaha. All I know was, they ever mentioned ‘Elsa’, ‘Indonezije’ and ‘Ocean Orchids’ (then it must be me, right?). It was a song in Slovene in which I didn’t understand a word ๐ข yet somehow I found it was beautiful. (Ngerti apa ngga pokoknya mah melting aja kalo yang bawain kaya… *ahem*). Not only us, but the band also presented song for Milena. Just before we were about to leave, again, Marjan requested the band to brought more nice songs for us special guests from Indonesia (*kediph-kediph* nyanyiin lagi ya bang ;p) and this time was in English. Ah finally, this one is understandable. Right before leaving, we had small talk with Marjan and Marko like this
Ma: “So, you’re
El: “Yup!” (cegat adek bang, cegaaat. Duh Elsa apaan si?)
Ma: “How
long you’ll be here?”
El: “About 2
months but it's been 1 week already.”
Ma: “Alright, I wish
good luck for your internship in Ocean Orchid.”
El: “Thank
you, I will.”
Ma: “Well, we need
to kiss 3 times as a goodbye sign.”
Then he kiss
me on cheeks.
Ma: “That’s
our habbit here. That was just two, so we need to do it once more.”
El: “Oh..” (jangankan sekali, seribu kali lagi juga mau bang. Astagaaa Elsa... Rusak parah moral gue udah. Ngaco banget
sekarang euy! wakakak)
And he did
the last kiss on cheek.
Ma: “Remember
that okay?”
El: “Sure. I’ll
keep that in mind.”
Indeed, I
thank him for teaching me that tradition because later on I found that’s useful.
Hereinafter, I already know what I should do when I want to excuse myself and say goodbye.
Anyway, massive thank you Mr.
Mayor. Thank you Dobrovnik for welcoming us. I was impressed by your
hospitality as well as your generosity. Undoubtedly, I’ll feel comfortable here as you making me feel like home. ๐
Bye, see you around!Bonus: On our way back home, we were stopped by the police. As we pulled over, the police performed alcohol level test to the driver. Surprisingly, Milena who drove the car, somehow could pass the test and showed 0% of alcohol level even though she drank some glasses of wine. After questioning some things to make it sure, they allowed us to continue our journey. Well-done, Milena! ;)
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