Črenšovci – Thursday, 8th August 2015
“Nice to meet you. Where you been?
I could show you incredible things.
Magic, madness, heaven, sin.
Saw you there and I thought oh my God.
Look at that face
You look like my next
mistake.” –Taylor swift [Blank Space]
Next mistake = next glasses of wine? 😖
For sure, it wasn’t my mistake but it referred to someone else ;). Kayanya lagu itu lumayan bisa menggambarkan keseruan malam ini. Kenapa malam? Karena dari pagi sampai siangnya biasa aja. I warn you, it’s gonna be a
long story. So, sit back and relax.
At the afternoon, we bought some daily needs at
Mercator with Roman. As usual, he allows me to take anything that I want. We
bought chicken sausages, chocolate milk, cheese, bread, beverages, fruit bars
(frutabela), bananas. I also took chips and mint candy (orbitz). Duh, jajanan
gue macam bocah banget ya?! :’). Next, we headed to a butcher’s shop in the
village. On our way, either they’re curious or something, about what I like so when
he was having conversation with Milena on the phone, he said, “And by the way,
Elsa bought chips. That’s it, Milena. That’s what you should buy for her.
Chips!”. Jirrr… Ini kan cuma karena lagi
kepengen aja. Jadi keliatan kaya bocah deh :’D. So, selama ini lo penasaran
sama gue? Apa yang kita suka gitu? Ahahaha. At the butch’s shop, we bought
some beef and turkey. After that, we went back home. For I couldn’t stand idle
in the house only, Yusran and I inisiated to ask them what they usually do on
weekend? Are there any places or events around here that we can go to feel
something very local? As he replied that they usually have smooth weekend and
just chill at home but since they have Indonesian guests now they thought we
could go somewhere. Yes! Kamu peka deh,
mz! :D